Is Learning Chinese that much difficult or easy to lra

 This month I started learning Chinese, which is difficult compared to my Semitic language family. 

But I find it easy to keep those words in mind. The language is called Hanyu and the letters used to write words are called Hanzi, which is difficult in learning Chinese. Still, I am learning the language using the English alphabet called pinyin. Let me give you those words I have captured in the last month so far.

Chinese numbers

  1. yi
  2. err
  3. san
  4. si
  5. wu
  6. liu
  7. qi
  8. ba
  9. jiu
  10. shi
  11. shi yi
  12. shi er
  13. chi san
  14. shi si
  15. shi wu
  16. shi liu
  17. shi qi
  18. shi ba
  19. shi jiu
  20. er shi
30. san shi
40. si shi
50. wu shi
60. liu shi
70. qi shi
80. ba shi
90. jiu shi
100. yi bai
200. er bai
1,000. qian
10,000. wan

Chinese Days
Monday = xingqi yi
Tuesday = xingqi er
Wednesday = xingqi san
Thursday = xingqi si
Friday = xingqi wu
Saturday = xingqi liu
Sunday = xingqi tian/xingqi ri

Chinese animals
  1. Cat = mao
  2. Dog = gou
  3. Panda = xionmao
  4. Lion = Shizi
  5. Tiger = Laohu
  6. tuzi = Rabbit
  7. Yazi = Dak

Chinese Size/ Adjectives
  1. Big = da
  2. small = shao/ xiao
  3. many/much = duo
  4. good = hao
  5. bad = huai
  6. slow = man
  7. quick = kuai
  8. tall = gao
  9. short = ai
  10. beautiful = piaoliang/mei
  11. ugly = chou
  12. hot = re
  13. cold = leng
  14. smart = congming
  15. stupid = yuchun
  16. clean = gangjing
  17. dirty = zang
  18. new = xin
  19. old = jiu
  20. happy = kuaile
  21. sad = beishang

Chinese day order
  1. Jintian = today
  2. mingtian = tomorrow
  3. huotian = the day after tomorrow
  4. zuotian = yesterday
  5. meitian = always
Chinese year order
  1. this year = jinnian
  2. next year = mingnian
  3. last year = qunian
schools in Chinese
1. xiaoxue = Junior school
2. Chongxue = high school
3. daxue = University
4.xuexiao = school
5. xuesheng = student
6. tongxue = classmate

Verbs to be in Chinese
1. is/am/are = shi 
        used to express position or job as identifier for someone. example
he is a teacher (ta shi laoshi)
2. is/am/are = zai 
        used to express the location of something. example I am at home (Wo zai jia)
3. to have = you 
            used to express possession
example There are many books here  (Zheli You Hen Duo Shu)

Chinese Prepositions
  1. zai = in/at/on
  2. dao = to/arrive
  3. cong = from
  4. gei = to/for
  5. he = and/with
  6. bi = than
  7. duiyu = regarding
  8. zai...shang = On/In terms of
  9. weile = for the sake of
  10. zai ...zhiqian = Before
Chinese adverbs

  1. hen = very
  2. tai...le = too/extremely
  3. feichang = extremely/very
  4. zongshi = always
  5. youshihou = sometimes
  6. cong bu = never
  7. yijing = already
  8. gang = just/recently
  9. man man  = slowly
  10. kuai = quickly/fast
Chinese Verbs
  1. shi = to be
  2. you = have
  3. qu = go
  4. gei = give
  5. dai = bring/take
  6. ting = listen/hear
  7. lai = come
  8. kan = see/watch
  9. kanjian = see/catch sight of
  10. zuo = do/make
  11. shuo = speak/say
  12. chi = eat
  13. he = drink
  14. xue = learn/study
  15. xihuan = like
  16. ai = love
  17. bangzhu = help
  18. xiang = want
  19. xiangnian = miss
  20. zhao = to look for
  21. xie = write
  22. du = read
  23.  pao = to run
  24. mai = buy/sell
  25. paobu = run/jogging
  26. zuo = to sit
  27. zhan = stand
  28. wan = play
  29. xuehui = to learn
Chinese furnitures
  1. zhuozi = table
  2. yizi = chair
  3. shafa = sofa
  4. chuang = bed
  5. dianshi = TV
  6. guizi = cabinet
  7. shujia = bookshelf
  8. deng = lamp/light
  9. canzhuo = dinning table
  10. men = door
Household appliances
  1. bingxiang = refrigerator
  2. xiyiji = washing machine
  3. ganyiji = dryer
  4. weibolu = microwave
  5. kaoxiang = Oven
  6. xichenqi = vacuum cleaner
  7. dianfan guo = rice cooker
  8. dian shuihu = electric kettle
  9. zhazhi ji = juicer
  10. xiwanji = dishwasher
  11. beizi = cup
  12. yifu = clothes
  13. zhouzi = table
  14. yizi = chair
  1. qi che = car
  2. gongongqiche/gongjiao che = bus
  3. ditie = subway/metro
  4. huoche = train
  5. feiji = airplane
  6. chuan = boat/ship
  7. zixingche = bicycle
  8. motuoche = motorcycle
  9. chuzuche = taxi
  10. jiaotong = transportation/traffic

Chinese Food and Nutrition
  1. shiwu = food
  2.  yingyang = nutrition
  3. shuiguo = fruit
  4. shuicai = vegetables
  5. pingguo = apple
  6. xigua = watermelon
  7. rou = meat
  8. yu = fish
  9. jidan = hen egg
  10. mifan = rice
  11. miantiao = noodles
  12. lingshi = snacks
  13. shuidian = fruitstore
Chinese Work and Job Position
  1. gongzuo = work/job
  2. zhiwei = position
  3. jingli = manager
  4. yisheng = doctor
  5. yuangong = employee
  6. laoban = boss/owner
  7. jingcha = officer
  8. tongshi = coworker/colleague
  9. mianshi = interview
  10. peixun = training
  11. gongsi = company
  12. shangban = go to work
  13. xiaban= back from work
  14. shangke = go to school
  15. yiyuan = hospital
  16. xinshui = salary/payment
  17. jiaban = overtime
  18. cizhi = to resign
Chinese Juice and Drinks
  1. guozhi = juice
  2. chéngzhī = orange juice
  3. shui = water
  4. cha = tea
  5. kafei = coffee
  6. niunai = milk
  7. qishui = soda water
  8. pi jiu = beer
  9. hong jiu = wine
  10. guoxi = smoothie
  11. yezi shui = coconut water
Chinese Colors
  1. hong se = red
  2. lan se = blue
  3. lu se = green
  4. bai se = white
  5. hei se = black
  6. huan se= yellow
  7. zi se = purple
  8. cheng se = orange
  9. hui se = grey
  10. fen se = pink

Activities and sports

  1. yundong = sport/exercise
  2. paobu = running
  3. youyong = swimming
  4. zuqiu = soccer/football
  5. laqiu = basketball
  6. wanqiu = tennis
  7. qi zixingche = cycling sport
  8. jianshen = fitness
  9. dengshan = mountain climbing
  10. huaxue = skiing 
  11. jiànshēnfáng = gym

Family and relationship
  1. baba/fuqin = father
  2. mama/muqin = mother
  3. xongdi = brother
  4. jiemei = sister
  5. erzi = son
  6. nu er = daughter
  7. zufu = grandfather
  8. zumu = grandmother
  9. didi = younger brother
  10. meimei = younger sister
  11. jiejie = older sister
  12. qizi = wife
  13. zhangfu = husband
  14. shushu = uncle (father's younger bro)
  15. gugu = aunt (father's sis)
  16. jiujiu = uncle ( mother's bro)
  17. ayi = aunt/nanny (mother's sis)
  18. biaoxiongdi = cousin (male, maternal side)
  19. biaojiemei = cousin (female, maternal side)
  20. tangxiongdi = cousin (male, patrnal side)
  21. tangjiemei = cousin (female, paternal side)
Home and room
  • 家 (jiā): Home / Family
  • 房子 (fángzi): House
  • 房间 (fángjiān): Room
  • 客厅 (kètīng): Living room
  • 卧室 (wòshì): Bedroom
  • 厨房 (chúfáng): Kitchen
  • 卫生间 (wèishēngjiān): Bathroom
  • 书房 (shūfáng): Study / Home office
  • 阳台 (yángtái): Balcony
  • 地下室 (dixìashì): Basement

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